Our research focuses on semiconductor materials and devices for advanced infrared photonics, targeting applications in space, quantum technologies, communication, imaging, and sensing. Our specialization is in the development of advanced photodetectors (PDs), including avalanche photodiodes (APDs) and single-photon APDs (SPADs).

Lee Group @ UTA adheres to the central research theme of “engineering both electrons and photons” to enhance the performance of optoelectronic and photonic devices. We employ four interrelated engineering strategies, as outlined below:

  1. Material Engineering (Exotic Element and Alloys)
  2. Band Engineering (Heterostructure/Quantum Engineered Materials)
  3. Heterogeneous Integration (Dissimilar Materials)
  4. Field Engineering (Pattern/Architecture)

Research Process Flow

As shown in the figure below, our research involves a cyclic process of iterating through device design and modeling, materials growth, device fabrication, and device characterization. This iterative approach builds scientific understanding and effectively translates it into high-performance devices.

Research Projects

Various research projects/ideas will be uploaded once funding is approved.